All things go to grave, hills and rivers stay on as winess to their burial.

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We have renamed the buildings in our Bengal residential campus after hills and rivers of our land, India (Bharatavarsha). In boys campus, blocks have been named after hills and in Girl’ campus, after rivers – Gender experts are welcome to do a chool-chera (hair-splitting) bishleshan on this. Besides, one block that was built in 2017-18 around the 150th Birth anniversary of Sister Nivedita has been named Sister Nivedita Sesquicentennial Block (Bhagini Nivedita Sardhashatabarshiki Bhavan).
And to crown it all, there is ‘Amar Bharat’ (Immortal / Eternal India) that epitomises the idea.
The names are as follows :
1. Himalaya Bhawan
2 . Vindhyachal Bhawan
3. Satpura Bhawan
4. Aravali Bhawan
5. Nilgiri Bhawan
6. Nilachal Bhawan
7. Shivalik Bhawan
8 . Ganga Bhawan
9 . Padma Bhawan
10. Narmada Bhawan
11. Godavari Bhawan
12. Yamuna Bhawan
13. Saraswati Bhawan
14. Sister Nivedita Sesquicentennial Bhawan
15. Amar Bharat Vidyapeeth

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