Team Parivaar

Parivaar starts Seva Kutir Program in Alirajpur

Alirajpur district, located on the south western boundary of Madhya Pradesh, borders both Gujarat as well as Maharashtra. It has around 87% population from Bhil tribal community and the rural side is completely having tribal population. This district has a literacy rate of 37 % which is the lowest among all 700 or so districts Parivaar starts Seva Kutir Program in Alirajpur

Resounding success of Parivaar children in Eklavya and other Special Residential Schools in Madhya Pradesh

  Resounding success of Parivaar children in Eklavya and other Special Residential Schools in Madhya PradeshIt is with great delight that we share the grand success of our Seva Kutir children in the entrance exams conducted for special residential schools (Eklavya, Kanya Shiksha Parisar, and Model Schools). There is one common examination for each of Resounding success of Parivaar children in Eklavya and other Special Residential Schools in Madhya Pradesh

Mamoni Singh, a resident girl at Parivaar Sarada Teertha institution,

Mamoni Singh, a resident girl at Parivaar Sarada Teertha institution, about whom I had posted a couple of months back has received Dr B.R. Ambedakar Medha Puraskar within the entire district – this district 24 Parganas (South) is more than 1 cr in population and second most populous district in the country. Mamoni, whose parents Mamoni Singh, a resident girl at Parivaar Sarada Teertha institution,

Last week we have started 2 more mobile medical clinics in predominantly impoverished tribal areas.

Last week we have started 2 more mobile medical clinics in predominantly impoverished tribal areas.One in Katthiwada block in Alirajpur district which has the Bhil tribe ( it is also the district which has lowest literacy rate in the whole country) and in Mehadwani block in Dindori district which has the Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Group Last week we have started 2 more mobile medical clinics in predominantly impoverished tribal areas.

Dr. Anjali and Sara Tendulkar visited our Residential campus in Sandalpur (Dewas district) some days back.

In the middle of India, in Sandalpur village in Madhya Pradesh, stands a school providing free education. Named after the late Shri Ramesh Tendulkar, who believed in sowing the seeds of education, the school was built during COVID and inaugurated virtually thereafter. More recently, our co-founder, Dr. Anjali Tendulkar, along with Sara Tendulkar, visited in Dr. Anjali and Sara Tendulkar visited our Residential campus in Sandalpur (Dewas district) some days back.

Two new Mobile Medical Clinics started

Two new Mobile Medical Clinics startedWe have launched 2 new mobile medical clinics last week in some of the most impoverished tribal villages in districts of Barwani and Anuppur (both in MP but separated by a distance of 1000 km). Both these clinics cover 50 villages each over a fortnightly period. A doctor, an assistant, Two new Mobile Medical Clinics started

Parivaar Arise Awake Fellowship

Parivaar Arise Awake Fellowship We are again inviting youth inspired by the clarion call of Swami Vivekananda of ‘Selfless Service’ (Selfless is the operative word here) who can devote 1 to 2 years of serving at the grassroots. The candidate can be sure of a rigorous immersion and hands on service engagement with some of Parivaar Arise Awake Fellowship

High Achievers from Parivaar at National Level in Basketball.

High Achievers from Parivaar at National Level in Basketball.Amir Hembram, one of the the best talents among all the basketball players of Parivaar till now, belonging from a remote village of Jhargram was selected for the 48th Sub Junior Basketball Championship held at Puducherry in August 2023.• Ashok Sardar, belonging from a remote Islands of High Achievers from Parivaar at National Level in Basketball.

Mamoni, a Parivaar resident girl from interior Adivasi village from Jhargram district scores 93 percent in ICSE Board exams (10th Board)

Parents work as landless farm labour. Mamoni was enrolled in Parivaar Bengal residential campus in 2015. Due to her high potential in academics, we streamed her into English medium ICSE system in 2019 in Grade 6.Even the disruption due to corona which severely affected the academic progress of the underclass that is patently handicapped when Mamoni, a Parivaar resident girl from interior Adivasi village from Jhargram district scores 93 percent in ICSE Board exams (10th Board)

Stupendous Results in Jawahar Navoday Entrance

Stupendous Results in Jawahar Navoday EntranceThe results for the Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya Selection Test for admission into Grade 6 were declared on the 2nd of April. It is a matter of great delight for us that 43 Parivaar children have been selected for admission to these prestigious schools in the session 2024-25.In the previous year, Stupendous Results in Jawahar Navoday Entrance