We have a long tradition of taking our children in groups for multiple days to the Kolkata Book Fair (one of the largest Book Fairs in the world). This year too, in the recently concluded Book Fair, we took our children and Sevavratees on several days. As has been our wont, it has been our boys and girls only who made purchases of books (under some guidance of our Sevavartees). This ensures that books purchased are actually read. The book stocks in our libraries have been chiefly built and enriched through purchases at Book Fairs only. This year too hundreds of books have been purchased and will be well utiliized for years to come.

Milestone of 3 Lac cases served under our Ambulances Services (a significant number of which have been life-saving)
Milestone of 3 Lac cases served under our Ambulances Services (a significant number of which have been life-saving)People mostly identify us with our work for