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Over last 26 months :
Parivaar Shravan Kumar Prakalpa (Vision Restoration Program for the poor Elderly) has :
1. Covered 37 districts
2. Held 3300 plus camps (averaging more than 4 a day)
3. Served 4.52 Lac patients.
4. Conducted 52 thousand surgeries and helped people get their vision back.
To continue serving the poorest of poor Parivaar nèeds continuous support. To contribute please see
Parivaar@20 : Twenty Years of service in mission-mode

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Milestone of 5 thousand eye camps reached

We are delighted to share that we have now completed 5 thousand eye camps in our Vision Restoration Program for the impoverished elderly. This program


Now our Tabla wizards

Now our Tabla wizards16 of our Parivaar Bengal children (9 boys and 7 girls) had recently appeared in Tabla examination under the aegis of the