Parivaar now has 850 Seva Kutirs in MP

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Parivaar now has 850 Seva Kutirs in MP, Chhattisgarh and Jharkhand. A total of more than 60 thousand children in impoverished tribal areas are being served through this.
Seva Kutirs are centres for supplementarty education for accelerating learning outcomes for children in 3 to 14 year age-group in highly interior, often inaccessible tribal villages where there is huge drop-out after Grade 8 (the stage when the RTE provision of free and compulsary education ends and so does the pull factor of mid-day meals).
The Kutirs run in morning and evening shifts – and since the government schools are during daytime – they in no way clash or compete with them. In fact, attendance and performance in government schools has also gone high in Kutir villages.
The Kutirs make children Grade 9 ready and also place a significant number of them into free government residential schools like Jawahar Navodaya, Eklavya, Model schools, Sainik Schools etc by preparing them to clear the competitive entrance test for these institutions.
The Kutirs also serve a number of other functions like maintaining a continuous dialogue with government schools, enlisting children of those villages for various government scholarships, help local communities get access to entitlements like Ayushman Bharat Card etc, and also giving field-level inputs and pointing out lacuane to local administration.
All venues in each of the Kutirs is given free of cost to us by village communities and Panchayats.
A couple of days back we have entered a new district of Singrauli in MP where we have set up our centres in impoverished tribal villages in Chitrangi block.

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Parivaar in Jharkhand

n last 10 days we have started several more Seva Kutirs in highly impoverished tribal villages in East Singhbhum district in Jharkhand. Now we have